词语吧>英语词典>Day of Judgment翻译和用法

Day of Judgment

英 [deɪ ɒv 'dʒʌdʒmənt]

美 [deɪ əv 'dʒʌdʒmənt]

网络  审判日; 审判末日; 审判之日; 最后审判日; 末日审判


  • But by His word the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.
  • "She was the handsomest woman of her day, and the cleverest, the nicest, the best of the whole boiling." He was a man of decency and good judgment.
  • In theology, the study of "final things," such as death, resurrection, immortality, the second coming of Christ, and the day of judgment.
  • It's fine if you plan on one day selling your company for a large sum of money, but that goal cannot distort your judgment in scaling the company, Cuban says.
  • The earliest surahs call for moral and religious obedience in light of the coming Day of Judgment;
  • Truly, I say to you, it shall be more tolerable on the day of judgment for the land of Sodom and Gomor'rah than for that town.
  • If there be any pody in the house, and in the chambers, and in the coffers, and in the presses, heaven forgive my sins at the day of judgment!
  • A Jew of medieval legend condemned to wander until the Day of Judgment for having mocked Jesus on the day of the Crucifixion.
  • But he did say that the day of judgment was approaching.
  • The noise of the hinge rang in his ears with something of the piercing and formidable sound of the trump of the Day of Judgment.